WICC is creating a network that allows current WICC members to reach out to alumni to ask for advice on academic, social and professional issues. Should you choose to participate in this network, we would ask your permission before putting any WICC members with interests similar to yours in contact with you. You don't have to have been in WICC during your time at Cornell or even strictly a CS major to participate. WICC would truly appreciate your participation in this program and we welcome anyone who wishes to create an even wider support network for women in computer science and women considering joining our community.
WICC is currently working with alumni in our network to host virtual sessions with current students in a discussion and Q&A setting. This allows students to ask alumni for advice or questions about possible opportunities after graduation. This event is primarily intended for upperclassman students as they can benefit more from contact with Alumni than underclassman.
WICC participates in the CIS Homecoming Lunch and Open House, which allows alumni to come talk to current CIS students and WICC members.
WICC is also working to host Alumni Talks with them when they visit Cornell. Alumni are welcome to talk about their experiences at Cornell and beyond and provide advice and perspective to students.
"If there's one person who first made me feel involved, integrated and comfortable in the CIS community at Cornell, it would be Harini. Being her friend and mentee from when I was a freshman showed me that incredibly successful and humble upperclassmen also had their own confusions and struggles along the way, and that it was in-fact completely normal. Not to mention she was always willing to grab a meal, have fun conversations, and be there for me when I needed it."
“WICC has given me an invaluable amount of resources, one of them being the alumni network. When I first heard about WICC my freshman year, I joined Lunch Bunch and was able to meet two incredible women who I am happy to call my mentors. They took the time to talk about all of the diverse opportunities in tech and how WICC has allowed them to connect with other women in the field. WICC alumni are not only incredibly inspirational, but are also dedicated and down-to-earth. Looking forward to being a part of this admirable network after graduation.”
“I learned about the different fields of CS and how they're used, which I previously had many misconceptions about. Lunch Bunch truly let me cement my decision to major in CS, as through it I got an idea of the potential of the field.”
Computer Science
Information Science, Systems and Technology
Information Science, Systems and Technology
Computer Science
Information Science, Systems and Technology
Computer Science
Information Science, Systems and Technology
Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science, Mathematics, Economics
Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science
Would you like to be involved as an alumna? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you about all of the exciting opportunities we have waiting for you!