Lunch Bunch applications are open till WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 27th @ 11:59 PM!

If you are an undergraduate student who wants an opportunity to learn more from your professors in a more casual setting, Lunch Bunch is the program for you!

Meetings are weekly (Mondays at 11:15-12:15 and 12:20-1:10 and Tuesdays at 1:25-2:15), food is provided, and faculty members are eager to speak with students on everything from research to industry.

Apply Here!

Lunch Bunch

Are you an underclassmen student who is interested in computer and information science? Want to actively learn more about various computing disciplines from Cornell’s CIS professors and WICC alumni while building a supportive network of lasting friendships? Then WICC’s Lunch Bunch is for you!

WICC’s weekly Lunch Bunch program is an exceptional opportunity for underclassmen women and minorities to make new friends and network within the computing community while learning from CIS professors and WICC alumni in a casual, conversational setting. Through this program, students have the opportunity to learn about the various disciplines in technology, including: computer and information science, operations research, electrical and computer engineering, machine learning, theory, game design, and many more. Previous professors who’ve spoken at our sessions include David Gries, Killian Weinberger, Jon Kleinberg, Walker White, and Daisy Fan. Students will engage in thought-provoking discussions revolving around diversity in tech in both industry and academia and how one can build a path towards their field of interest. Lunch Bunch is intended to help underclassmen gain the confidence and clarity they need to navigate through their journey in tech at Cornell and beyond while making some valuable, lasting friendships along the way.

Testimonials from WICC Members

"I learned about the different fields of CS and how they're used, which I previously had many misconceptions about. Lunch Bunch truly let me cement my decsision to major in CS, as through it I got an idea of the potential in the field."

- Karen Zhang '21

“It's much less intimidating talking to them at Lunch Bunch compared to going up to them after a big lecture class. Not only do you learn about their field, but you also get to know more about them on a personal level such as their personality and interests outside of the classroom.”

- Aparna Calambur '21

“Lunch bunch was such a great experience. I ate great food and met great people, and it was awesome to meet with professors in a closer setting!”

- Rachel Shim '20


  • Mondays 11:15AM - 12:15PM
  • Mondays 12:20PM - 1:10PM
  • Tuesdays 1:25PM - 2:15PM

Faculty & Alumni Relations Directors

Angel Nugroho
Gauri Jain